Conversations with Myself



January 2015

Back to school in SA-Cape Town.

Written by , Posted in All about Muli, Comments: 2


It was a big day in our house today.  Muli started kindergarten.  We have been talking about kindergarten for the past few days to prepare her mind for the big day.

Its been a month since we arrived in SA from France.  We did not want to put Muli in school immediately.  We wanted her to adjust to life back home.  First few weeks when we arrived she could not understand why people could not respond to her.  It was frustrating to her.  She was speaking French, though she understood English.

I stayed home with her for the past four weeks.  We visited friends and she had a chance to interact with other kids.  She slowly understood when I said “can you please repeat what you said in English”.  And she quickly picked up a lot of English vocabulary.

After spending  four weeks with me by her side I think she is ready to face the big big world without me.

We took her to the school she previously attended.  I wanted her to start today on Thursday so she can have a short week.  Going to school only two days this week and absorb all over the weekend, then back again for a full week from Monday next week.

Yesterday, Me and Cullo spent few hours with her at school.  She was very excited, so we thought.  Last night she took us by surprise when she said “No mom, that is not my school.  its other babies school”, responding when I said tomorrow she is going to school.

In the morning when we dropped her, she stood by the door in her new class and said “this is not my school.  Where is Erina, Timothy & Sera?”.  My heart sunk.  I could feel her longing to see her friends in France.  We explained once again that this is SA and Erina, Tim & Sera are in France and that she is going to make new friends soon.

Guess who saved us from that pain?.  Mia.  She is the same age as Muli.  They were in the same class almost two years back.  They were both  18 months then.  A miracle happened right there.  When they saw each other they hugged, laughed, hold hands happily and went out to play.  Just like old friends seeing each other for the first time. They left us (Mia’s dad, the principal, the teacher, me and Cullo) standing there, with our jaws dropped.

We were all surprised because Muli seemed not to remember that she once attended the school.  But somehow she remembered Mia and Mia remembered her.  Yikes!

I am crossing fingers and praying that her first day at school be the best day ever.

Take care,