Conversations with Myself



April 2014

Birthday celebration at Zoo Parc de Beauval

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We went to a birthday celebration on Saturday.  Kent was turning five years and his parents invited us to join them celebrate his birthday at the zoo.  It was an excellent place for Kent on his big day. The  little boy was running all over and surely enjoyed seeing animals.  (I am not publishing the birthday boy’s pictures because I did not ask permission from his parents ).

Zoo Park de Beauval is situated in the Loir-et-Cher in Central France.  The long drive form Tours was worth it.  The place is stunning.  The zoo is a home to different kinds of animals.  We watched the animals in cages large enough to make them feel like they are in the jungle.


In the past few years, we were fortunate to visit two magnificent national parks, in South Africa (Kruger National Park) and in Botswana.  In both parks the animals roam freely.  We had a dramatic experience in Botswana, an elephant attacked our car.  Luckily we reversed the car quickly and flee for our lives.  After that incident I felt at ease seeing animals at captive.

Our first stop was at the Lion’s den.  The big cat was roaming confidently like it owns the world.  It kept scratching  crazily on the glass window.  After all the performance, it sat down and started roaring.  Hearing the sound of a roaring lion at close range was scary at first.  But later on, it was the most fascinating sound i ever heard in the animal kingdom.  It was like it is send a message to the world that he is the lord of the jungle. 


There was a lot of napping going on after lunch time.

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The White tiger was also napping.  We tried all the sound to wake him but failed.  He did not get intimidated by small sounds.  There  where white Lions also.  My mind kept on wondering, what will happen if earth quake strikes while I am around this big cats?.  I will surely not escape from them.  You cant blame me for all this scary thoughts, blame the Oklahoma earth quake and mud slide in Washington. Natural disaster happens when at least expected, yo!.


Vibrations of beauty, the tallest of the animals. She is allowed a view from a remarkable height.  I’m not talking about the hot guy in the picture, I’m talking about the long-necked giraffe. 


We had an early lunch to avoid long queues. The tables were set for lunch, we had ourselves a good spot to accommodate all 12 of us. Kiddos played with balloons while we were waiting for lunch.  The food was good.  After lunch we went for an hour long show for sea lions in the water.

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Sea lions got us laughing a lot.  They showed us their balancing skills, the Olympic dives style, splashing, their affection, their appreciation by clapping hands and many more cute acts.




How cuddly is this sleeping Koala?.

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While Mr Koala was sleeping, this little dude stole the lime light.


Muli, face to face with ‘big chicken’ as she calls the ostrich.


Muli my girl taking time out from the real animals to play and watching the elephant.  The elephant is Muli’s favourite animal.

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My heart was stolen by this charming panda munching a bamboo tree.

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This dude was all relaxed and snacked on some things he picked from the grass.

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Rhino and its calf. 


It was amazing looking at heavily-armoured skin of a rhino.  Though their skin is thick, it is still sensitive to sun light and insect so they cover themselves with mud for protection.  Just curious of where is the horn in this rhino?  Maybe its still growing, I’m not sure.


Muli had nothing to do with feeding and petting goats and sheep.  She loves animals but they must be at a distance. 


We saw are many animals in the zoo.  The monkeys, the zebras, kangaroos, albino boas, porcupines, raccoons and many more.  Kids were loving animals as much as adults, that made the trip smooth.  It was a day well spent.  Happy belated birthday to Kent.

How was your weekend friends?  I hope you are feeling fresh to start the week.

Take care,