Conversations with Myself



August 2014

Czech Republic – The Golden Prague (part1)

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Where are we now on our tour recap?

We are from point marked number 4 Austria to point marked number 5 Czech Republic – Prague.

When I told my friend from France that we are going to Prague, she said “oh là là, you are going to the Paris of the East!”.  Paris of the East – that is the most common name used to describe the beauty of Prague.

Prague is the capital city of Czech Republic.  Though its beauty is compared to Paris it possesses an individual charm.  Its charm is known all over the world and is often ranked amongst the ten most beautiful cities in the world.  Bam! The reason why you should visit the city.

Prague metro stood out for me.  Its metro depth is unusual.  It is said because of the soil characteristics the underground channels had to be dug quite deep so, as a result the escalators leading to the metro platforms are very huge.


We booked a 2,5 hour bus tour to get the general impression of Prague. The tour was the best idea because it was not easy to get around by ourselves reading the map.  After the bus tour we walked to some of the interesting sights that we saw while on the bus. 

Our tour started close by the majestic 65m tall Power Tower.



We had an hour plus before the start of our tour.  So we headed over to the Palladium.  It is a shopping mall that was built recently, 2007.  The Palladium is a very busy mall with about 200 shops in four floors.  

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And we also walked around the vibrant Wenceslas Square facing the National Museum of Prague.

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We could not go further as it was time for the start of our bus tour.  We went back to catch the bus.  There were awesome monuments that we saw from the bus. 

The Dancing House

This building is very unusual in the city centre with its curvy outlines.  It is the symbol of the new Prague.



And some more eye catching structures.





We stopped at The Giants Gates.  We were given 30 minutes to go inside and explore.  The gates leads to the The Castle.  There are three courtyards with lovely buildings that include the The Cathedral of St Vitus

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The Cathedral of St Vitus.

This picture does not do justice to the amazing architecture of this church.  This church took about 1000 years to be completed. I said one thousand years!.  There were series of disastrous events that happened before its completion.  The church was destroyed during the wars and lightning once strike and the building caught fire.  Today it is one of many impressive monuments in Prague.


The Old Town Square.

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The Charles Bridge.





From Charles bridge we stopped by a small restaurant serving crispy-hot trdelniks (sweet cylindrical pastry topped with sugar, cinnamon and nuts). They were so yummy. 


At this point we decided to go back home.  Muli was showing signs of being fatigued.  She was very sleepy and irritable.  She was not herself.  We went home for a long rest so we can wake up early and continue with the city tour.

Next post will be Part 2 of our tour in Prague.

Take care,