Conversations with Myself



January 2015

Happy New Year + The future of this blog.

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I took few weeks off from blogging.  It was a good time spent away from internet and laptop.  All worth it.  I missed documeting our lives though. As part of new year resolutions, I thought about the future of this blog.

I started this blog as a way of updating my friends and family about our daily life abroad.  It served as an escape for me in those days when I did not have close friends and family to talk to.  Every few days I will sit down and jot our adventures and experiences in a foreign land. Like a title of this blog, every time I wrote a post I felt like was conversing with myself.

It is only now when I go through old post that I realise that I have just created a year journal about our lives.  I sometimes get goose bump when I see how many adventures we packed in our lives in a period of 18months.  In France I lived out of my comfort zone daily.  I opened myself out to be subjected to life experience , good or bad.  I must say the universe gave me mostly good experience.  It is therefore my aspiration to put myself out in the world like I did when I was in France.

I want to spend less time in our house and more time seeing places.  I want to be always ready to greet a stranger with a smile, not wave a hand already thinking about the next item on my to do list.  I want more play dates.  I want to invite people in our home that will hopefully be more like family to us, just like the Loudou family and Carins family opened their home doors for us in France.  All these align to my wish of living a meaningful and purposeful life.

Because of all that, the purpose of this blog did not end the day we packed our belongings from abroad to SA.  I am extending its life.  I am not closing this blog.  I will continue to blog.  The only difference is that there will be less travelling adventures for our family.  Either way this blog will be the journal for my family and I will be documenting my life as it is.  I hope to be able to post at least three time a week.

Happy new year and new beginnings to everyone.

Take care,