Conversations with Myself



December 2014

Is anyone still visiting here!

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I guess this is an empty corner now hahahaha!  This space has been quiet for some time.  Who really has time to read blogs during festive season?.  I for one still find some time to read blogs and for the sake of documenting our lives I will just go on with publish a post. Lets cut the small talk and get to real staff.

We have been so so busy.  So much has happened in the last two weeks that I even failed to have some time to reflect and document in here.

We took a vacation to Portugal. We flied from France (Tours)  to Portugal (Porto).



We also visited Spain.  From Porto we flied to Spain (Madrid).



The day we landed from Portugal and Spain we found movers waiting for us.  Yes, it was time for a big move back to SA.  A container was loaded with the pieces of materials we accumulated over our stay in France.


After we finished with loading our good in the container, we went to see friends.  It was a bitter sweet day.  To tell the honest truth the day was emotionally draining.  It was not easy for our friends to say goodbye and neither was it easy for us.


In the middle of it all we celebrated our fifth year anniversary in marriage. We both could not believe its been five years already.  The years passed by so fast.  I would not trade the years I spend with Cullo for anything. Every time I count my blessings I never forget to thank God for the gift of abundant love I am getting from Cullo and the privilege of having a family.


After the big move we packed our bags to Disneyland Paris. 



We then loaded the same bags on a plane flying back to SA.  We spent a good 18hours on air.  It was a long flight.  I was prepared for the worst time on air because I could see Muli was a bit fatigued from all the vacations.  It all turned out I wasted my time worrying. She was a good girl all the way.

20141220_171216_Jean Portalis Ave 


As I am writing this I am in SA.  The day is so beautiful and it is summer time.  We are so happy to be home. I will hopefully post update of our vacations soon.

Take care,