Conversations with Myself



October 2018

Muli and Zee say the darndest things

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Today I am relaxed at home.  Zee is under the weather.  I took off few days from work to keep an eye on her.  She was grumpy this morning and her tiny bad attitude landed her in a naughty corner.  After a very brief time in a naughty corner, I called her.  She came, but refused for me to hold her (she is breaking my heart).  I went on working on my laptop, and found her sleeping like this.

20181003_111405It was cute.  I wished I could freeze the moment.  I remembered that I used to document special moments like this somewhere.  Then it hit me “conversations with myself”, my blog.  I took a pic with my phone and pulled my laptop.  Headed to the blog, and started working on this post.  This space makes me happy.  Sometimes life happens and we often forget about what makes us tick or happy.  I am grateful for a peaceful sleeping Zee who reminded me of this hobby of mine.


(I bumped into this post below.  I never had a chance to publish it.  I read it, and could not believe how time flies.  I wrote this in June, when Zee was 11 months).

Zee has started to speak and it is the cutest thing.  She keeps on surprising me with new vocabulary.  Each time I ask her a question, I never know what will be the answer. She often uses words like “mommy look” and “move” when she wants you out of the way and “gone” every time time you ask where is somebody.

When I dress her in a cute dress, she says “nice”.  She also says nice to me when I am dressed up.  A “bo” for her bottle, “pido” for a play dore.  Oh, and her favourite word ever, “you welcome”.  She just throws the word anytime and anyhow.  Like if I say bye Zee she says you welcome.

Muli woke up the other morning and found me in the bathroom.  She said, mommy I don’t want to be married to any boy.  A mommy bear stood up immediately, but I held back.  I asked her why, she said she is scared of boys.  She could not tell me why she is scared of boys.  I was very curious.  If it was possible, I could have opened her brain to see what its up to.  I told her she wll never have to be married if she does not want and mommy will always be there for her.

The other day we were driving and Muli said when is her baby brother coming.  She is obsessed with having a little brother.  I asked her what if she get to have two baby brothers.  I thought she will be excited, I did not expect the answer.  She said you mean twins mommy and I said yes.  She said that will be the hardest work for any parents.  You will have to buy two strollers and push them around.  When one baby wakes up the other one will wake up.  You will have to feed two babies everytime.  It will be difficult to take care of my two brothers.  Her answer surprised me and I am still surprised.  Who told my child that taking care of a baby is difficult.  Or where the hell did she see someone having difficulty taking care of a baby.  What if she saw it from me?.  I want to believe that I am serving my kids with smile and grace.  Lol.  Kids will humble you.

Take care,