Random on Tuesday.
Written by Nez, Posted in My Thoughts, Comments: leave another one
We made it to the end of the third term of school. For Muli’s school the third term ended on Friday. I am looking forward to spending some time with her at home. She will be attending aftercare though in days when I feel exhausted to entertain a new born and a five year old. On Monday she stayed at home and we had a good time. This morning she asked if I can let her to go play with friends at school. I let her go because the aftercare teachers organised a very entertaining programme for two week.
Lets just have some random thoughts:
- Just when we were ready to leave for school, Muli fell and hurt her front teeth. She insisted she was OK and begged me to send her to school. I gave her panado and dropped her at school. I am hoping for a perfect day for my little sunshine.
- Zee slept from 10pm to 3am last night. That is huge to me because for the past 10weeks I have never slept for 3hours straight. Could this be the beginning of the good sleeping habit for my twinkle little star?. Only time will tell.
- I am not sure if I finished a packet of biscuit last night because, as I am writing this post I see an empty packet of biscuit on the floor. All I can say is, no one sits in the lounge area in the morning and I am sure I am the last one to go to sleep last night. All I can remember is sitting on the carpet watching season 3 of Revenge (too old, I know). I am not too concerned about the empty packet of biscuit though because I will blame baby weight for every on my tummy.
- While we still on baby weight, I have started going to the gym. I have been taking walks for some time but not having chance to go to the gym. I seriously lose motivation when I see myself not being able to complete 15minutes of cardio. I am also feeling motivated because I started. Do I make sense?.
That’s all from me. Back to mommy duties.
Take care,