Conversations with Myself



May 2014

Starting Tuesday on the right foot

Written by , Posted in Fitness, Comments: Want to make another one


Morning Lovely Buddies! 

We had a cloudy morning here in Tours.  After dropping Muli at school, I went out for a run.  I took my running adventure along Cher river.  Every time when I do my run while the world is still quite I get a vim that last me for the whole day.  Nothing pumps me up like the first light of the day.


I kept a slow pace while inhaling the fresh air of the morning.  I had some music playing from my phone.  This time I did not put on head phones, I played music on loud speaker. There was no one to be annoyed by my music anyway, ha!  The sound blended so well with the peacefulness of the atmosphere. 

Time passed by so fast.  Soon I had to make my first decision of the day. The road split and had to decide on taking a hill on the left OR taking a flat gravel road on the right.  Decisions, decisions!

Lets take right, and hope not to regret.


Turned out that right was the best decision, YAY! The gravel road was long enough to challenge the  muscles on my legs.  Running while trying to balance my feet on the uneven surface gave my ankles some good exercise.


Just when I hit 3km mark it started drizzling.  A good sign for me to turn back.


On my way home.  The view made running in the rain just worth it.


Good run, I have covered a good  6km. Ooops! Excuse my app that registered as cycling workout, that was the setting for my cycling.  Next time I will remember to change the setting to RUNNING.


Have you done some adventures over the weekend or any other day?  I will like to hear about them.

A bientôt!

Take care,