Conversations with Myself



October 2015

Why I take pictures?.

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I am not too good at taking pictures.  But I want to be good, because I like looking back and see how far I have come.

Having a child had me realise that moments are fleeting, time passes quickly before my eyes.  She will have only one birthday in a year, her milk teeth will come out soon, and she might never like trampoline like she does today.   There are many days that made me wish I can hold on to memories and and with my camera, I can .

This days we have it easy, digital cameras and our smart phones make it easier than ever before to photograph

I like when I look back through old photos and get to be  remind of how lucky I am, and sometimes be able to see my past, both good and bad.  Its a good feeling to see how far you have come in life  and what changes you have made to get to be the person we are today.  With your camera, you can.

In an attempt to encourage myself to take pictures often, every Wednesday I will be doing a series called Wordless Wednesday, where I will post few pictures I took during the week, pictures that did not make it in my posts .

I will be doing this series specifically for the purpose of mental cue cards to recall with greater clarity, the experiences of my live.  Memory is malleable, and over time details become lost, or changed.  And what we remember may not actually be what “was”.

Here is to the first series and many more to come.




Take care,