Conversations with Myself



November 2014

Gardens + Bikes = Our Weekend.

Written by , Posted in Bike life, Comments: 3


Hello lovelies!

How was your weekend?.  I hope you spent it doing what you like/love.

Ours was laid back.  We spent most of the days playing, watching movies and chatting.  It was good.

Muli has an on-off love for her bike.  We bought her a bike back on her birthday in April, she does not show much interest in cycling.  To get her on the bicycle we have to do tricks, do some magic and make promises.


During the weekend we took some snacks and went to the garden nearby our place for a small picnic.  We took both my bike and her bike to encourage her to ride and have an idea of what people do with bikes.  Maybe if she sees mommy and daddy cycling she will like it.

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She showed a lot of interest and started cycling.  I will find her a cycling French friend.


The garden was blooming in autumn colours.

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She has us wrapped around her tiny fingers. She always find ways to make us laugh.

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It is such a huge blessing to parent her.

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She took both this pictures.  Not bad at all.

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Have a good day further!

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Take care,