Conversations with Myself



October 2014

Meet Ladybird!

Written by , Posted in Bike life, Comments: 4

C’est avec grand plaisir (It is with great pleasure) to introduce you to Songo Indre Ladybird.  A Dutch style, beige city bike, elops 500 B’TWIN with a vintage touch.  She shall be called Ladybird.


I have been a proud owner of Ladybird for just over two months now.  I purchased her few weeks before our Europe vacation.  I have been testing her to see if she is the right bike for me and I am happy to say she shall stay.


The first time I saw Ladybird I just knew that she will be mine.  I needed to make sure though and I spent 3 weeks coming in and out of bike shops.  I should have tested Elops 500 bikes 100 times to make up my mind. The bike is on a bigger side and accommodate my body frame like a hand glove. 


I went for a bigger bike because, I am a bit taller and often find myself squashed in bikes and my knees complains after rides.  Not with Ladybird.  Can you notice that she allows my back to remain straight when I bike?.  Have a closer look at her bigger soft-comfortable saddle and handle bars.  I don’t even want to mention the ease of getting on and off the bike.  Ok lastly now, check that protected chain and a bicycle skirt protector on the rear wheel.  She is Ladybird. Yep, just perfect for moa. 

2014-09-29 09.07.10

So what have I been up to with Ladybird?.  Well, I have been everywhere with her.  From window shopping, grocery shopping and just biking for leisure…

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During my spree of biking I often find cozy spots where I can have some snack and read a book in peace…


…and I had a serious bike ride along Loire valley.  Complete tranquillity.

2014-10-02 12.02.24

I completed an amazing 32km.   On a speed faster than walking and slower than driving a car, just perfect to see everything.  A speed slower enough to let me stop to take pics and rest under the tree to take a breather. 


It was a flat ride, safe and far from the cars.  There were like four or so bad a** hills but I have some biking strength as I was hiring bikes often before I purchased.  I packed myself some lunch which I enjoyed in this open space.


Forget about front row parking spaces you get when using a bike,  forget about the mercy you showing to an otherwise disappearing earth, forget about the enormous health benefits of riding a bike rather think about the places you will see, the freedom you feel when biking.  Biking is flat out fun

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Are you a lady riding a bike?.  Or will you like to start cycling?.  It will be exciting to hear from you.

Take care,